Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Look into my eyes...

Look into my eyes, if you aren't afraid of what you may see.  Our eyes are often considered mirrors of our souls, and I, to a large extent believe this.  It's hard to hide what you are truly feeling and our eyes reflect some of our deepest thoughts and emotions. I know for a fact that my eyes reveal more about me than my words ever could.  People can look at my eyes and tell if I'm tired, or sick, if I am upset or have things on my mind that I haven't spoken of.   When a person smiles a true and genuine smile it goes right up their face and into their eyes, they get a bit of a sparkle in their eyes with that smile.  If you are speaking to someone you truly care about and want to be with then your eyes may open a bit wider and, depending on what the conversation is about your look may soften a little bit.  I'm sure there is some sort of science behind all this, but I know from experience that when you look at someone and into their eyes you can tell alot about that person by how they look back at you and how they accept your gaze.  Sometimes more can be said with a look than with a thousand words.  You may forget what someone said to you but chances are you won't forget how they looked at you when they said it, I know I don't.  Looking into someone's eyes can be a very intense moment, it can bond you to that person in a way that words never could, you often feel as if you are looking into their very soul and catching a glimpse of their true self.  Holding a person's gaze can create some very strong feelings between two people, feelings that quite often you may not realize even exists, you can speak volumes without a single word, especially if your heart is in that look and that look is directed at someone you truly care about and you see that same look reflected back in their eyes.  Looks can also be a warning, "step back, I'm done with this" mirroring feelings of anger or frustration, or of fear.  What you see in a person's eyes is quite often a reflection of their true feelings, so when you listen to a person, take some time to look into their eyes see if what they are saying matches up with what you see, don't be afraid to ask for clarification, address the TRUE feelings and really take a look at what you see and not just what you hear.


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