Sunday, January 15, 2012

Anger or Disappointment, choices...choices

Would you rather  be angry or disappointed about something or in someone?  Guess it all depends on the person(s) and situation.  For me, I believe that anger is an emotion, a feeling, it flashes and burns bright for a bit, but slowly dies out(talking anger here, not hatred, which is an entirely different thing). Disappointment, on the other hand, strikes more in the soul, and can wound on multiple levels.  A close friend told me once that anger is, 99% of the time,  misplaced fear and frustration, figure out what you are afraid of or what is frustrating you and a lot of the time it can help to dispell the anger.  Disappointment isn't so easy to get over, especially when it happens repeatedly, times in a row over the same situation or at the hands of the same person.  It hurts when someone is disappointed in you or when someone does something or doesn't do something, causing disappointment on your part.  It can rattle your nerves, and if done repeatedly, make you question their value in your life and your value in theirs.  Over time you come to expect disappointment from that person or situation,  the situation turned out not to be what you thought it would be, or that person didn't follow through on their word, at times leaving you a healthy combination of both anger and disappointment.  For me, I believe disappointment is harder to repair and harder to get over than anger, especially when it comes to people,  usually anger is directed at a situation where disappointment is usually directed at a person, I would rather be angry at someone than disappointed in them, I get over my anger, and if I truly care about you then when the anger is done we move forward, however disappointment...well that's another story.  I'm pretty patient and I tolerate a lot, especially from people I care about, but when you disappoint me, especially over and over again over the same situation then it shows me that maybe I expect to much from you or that I matter less to you than I thought, and that my feelings are of little concern, and then I don't get angry about it, I just stop giving a damn, and eventually, when I've reached my point I'll say "I'm done with you, screw you and the horse you rode in on" and then you'll be out of my life.   

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