Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Yin and Yang of life

I don't count this as my "true" post for the day as it is a import from an old blog I started in 2008, still words of wisdom, I think...

Everything must be in balance or the order of life will fall apart. Too much of a good thing and a person becomes overconfident and takes things for granted. Too much of a bad thing and a person loses hope and the desire to continue on. A little good mixed with a little bad is what is needed to keep a person humble but just confident enough to continue on, this is the way life is meant to be. A friend of mine once told me there is an imaginary circle around all of us, it defines our comfort zones and where we draw the line at risk taking. We must be willing to push the edges of the circle, continually adjusting our lives and taking risks without completely breaking the line and losing sight of what is truly important, (overconfidence enters here along with the potential for many bad things). If you push too hard and break that line completely you run the risk of losing sight of the center of your circle which is where the things that matter most are and where you are most comfortable. Take risks, that is what helps you grow and develop as a person but do so rationally and if you do break the line or go too far, go back to the center of your circle, collect yourself and try again; hopefully a little wiser and a bit more humble. To not take a risk would be to deny yourself the chance to grow and try new things and this is just as bad as taking too many risks. There must be balance in all things, don't be afraid, if you fall you get back up, think about what you did and figure out a way to do it differently and better; if you take a risk and fail, collect yourself, look at what went wrong and how you can do it better or differently or even if it was worth the risk to begin with. Sometimes the outcome doesn't justify the means to get there so you have to understand and accept this and walk away. Balance, that's what it's about. Yin and Yang, to have harmony you must have both.  

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