"It is what it is". This is such a simple phrase to say but it has such meaning and impact. Quite simply the situation is and that is how it will be, for whatever reason. People often tell others "I hope things work out and you will be happy " I say "I hope the situation works out the way it was meant to". That's just me and a lot of times people don't understand why I say that, well let me explain, maybe you aren't meant to be happy in whatever sitaution you are in, instead maybe whatever you are feeling is necessary for you to move forward and learn and grow. Maybe the situation you are in requires a certain amount of pain or tears, let's face it life isn't all unicorns and glitter, sometimes life requires us to experience loss and heartache, uncertainity and dealing with things we don't want to deal with. No, I'm not being a pessimist, I'm being a realist, that's how I roll, although sometimes I should curb it, I will admit. Use your situation to learn from, allow, within reason, yourself to experience whatever particular situation you may be in but remember, you do have the power within yourself to make changes and create new situations if what you have isn't working, it may not be easy and it may require some help but it can be done, you just have to want it bad enough and you have to be willing to reach out and accept help if it's offered and ask for help when it's needed.
But I like unicorns!