Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Am Perfect...Perfectly Imperfect!

I am perfect...perfectly flawed. Our quirks and habits are what makes us so interesting and unique. If everyone were just like the next person then imagine how boring the world would be. Exact replicas of the person before us and the person after us, the same generic attitude and lifestyle?, nah, I don't think so! give me different and interesting please! Instead I choose to live my life the way I want to(or as much as I can), with my quirks and my habits, that is what makes me uniquely and completely me. I have tattoos and curly red hair, I can cuss with the best of them and I cry over sad movies and books, I'm a coffee addict(especially mochas) and I have a unique way of stretching out on pier railings fully clothed, just because. Do those things make me a freak? nope they make me, me. I am what I am, nothing more, nothing less, just me. You can accept it and enjoy life with me or you can point your finger, laugh and walk away, your choice, not mine. I love who and how I am, I love sharing my life with people that mean alot to me, and I am tired of trying to change myself to suit others' opinions and expectations of me, so if you don't like me how I am then keep on movin', nothing for you in my life and you probably couldn't handle it anyway. I believe there is a saying that goes"If you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best" I agree with that 110%, Accept me for me including all my uniqueness and quirks, if that is what caught your eye and kept your attention then why would you want to change it? Never settle for being a copy when you can be an original! I'm all about the whole "square peg in a round hole" idea, same 'ol same 'ol is boring. It has taken me many years to perfect my originality, and I'm still working on it, and many years of being something I'm not, trying to please people that can't be pleased, and I started to realize that it's not my fault and I can't expect people to accept what they can't or won't understand, and then I started to realize I wasn't good at being a fake, trying to mold myself to others' expectations depressed me and kept me out of sorts, so it's time to be an original, if it means some people can't handle it, then I suggest you head for the nearest exit, if you think you can handle it, and you want to be part of an adventure then I suggest that you tighten your seat belt and hang on, 'cause it's gonna be a hell of a ride baby!!

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