Sunday, January 15, 2012

Anger or Disappointment, choices...choices

Would you rather  be angry or disappointed about something or in someone?  Guess it all depends on the person(s) and situation.  For me, I believe that anger is an emotion, a feeling, it flashes and burns bright for a bit, but slowly dies out(talking anger here, not hatred, which is an entirely different thing). Disappointment, on the other hand, strikes more in the soul, and can wound on multiple levels.  A close friend told me once that anger is, 99% of the time,  misplaced fear and frustration, figure out what you are afraid of or what is frustrating you and a lot of the time it can help to dispell the anger.  Disappointment isn't so easy to get over, especially when it happens repeatedly, times in a row over the same situation or at the hands of the same person.  It hurts when someone is disappointed in you or when someone does something or doesn't do something, causing disappointment on your part.  It can rattle your nerves, and if done repeatedly, make you question their value in your life and your value in theirs.  Over time you come to expect disappointment from that person or situation,  the situation turned out not to be what you thought it would be, or that person didn't follow through on their word, at times leaving you a healthy combination of both anger and disappointment.  For me, I believe disappointment is harder to repair and harder to get over than anger, especially when it comes to people,  usually anger is directed at a situation where disappointment is usually directed at a person, I would rather be angry at someone than disappointed in them, I get over my anger, and if I truly care about you then when the anger is done we move forward, however disappointment...well that's another story.  I'm pretty patient and I tolerate a lot, especially from people I care about, but when you disappoint me, especially over and over again over the same situation then it shows me that maybe I expect to much from you or that I matter less to you than I thought, and that my feelings are of little concern, and then I don't get angry about it, I just stop giving a damn, and eventually, when I've reached my point I'll say "I'm done with you, screw you and the horse you rode in on" and then you'll be out of my life.   

Friday, January 6, 2012

Just do it..

Just do I'm not talking about the shoe commercial, I'm talking about doing something just because.  Send flowers, bake cookies, write a letter, whatever, practice random acts of kindness and do it without expecting anything in return.  It's one of the nicest feelings, in my opinion, to do something for someone out of the blue, just because you want to and then see their look of surprise after it's done.   It doesn't have to be anything major or costly, sweep a neighbor's porch or take their trash can in for them one evening, share your flowers with them. Whatever the gesture may be do it with the expectation of..nothing in return, it's a selfless act of love and giving and that is what makes it even more important. When you do something with the expectation of getting something back, then I feel that you diminish the importance of the act, you aren't doing simply as a kind gesture, you are doing it because you have an ulterior motive, you want to be recognized by that person for what you have done, and you want to be noticed by them, and that kind of cancels out the selfless nature of the act. The thought of knowing that you helped that person out or made them smile should be thanks enough and should be your payment.  I've been able to do this recently and was able to help out two good friends of mine, kind of like a mini domino effect, simply because I was willing to do photography work for one of them and accept a trade instead of a payment to help the other get something they had be wanting for quite awhile, all done very quietly and with minimal people involved, it doesn't need to be a big production, the whole world doesn't need to know about it. (I told you all to show an example of how you can involve more than one person, I won't give names or any other details, they aren't important). I didn't think of myself, instead I was willing to give up payment and pass the benefit over to someone else.  So you see, even multiple people can benefit from one kind act.  Next time you see someone you know take a minute to think what you could do to make them smile and then, if you can just do it, don't expect anything in return, go on your way, and alot of times you find that you end up being rewarded in ways you didn't expect or imagine.

Monday, January 2, 2012

In the Grand Scheme of Things...

One moment, a split second in our entire life and it seems to last forever.  The hardest things in life are the things we may be experiencing right now, and all we can think of is how badly we want to be done with them.  I know that is how I feel.  2012 has arrived and I am still dealing with leftovers of 2011 and I so want to be done with them! Things I need to close the book on.  I feel like my life will forever be consumed by these things and how huge they are.  In the grand scheme of things, when I take a step back and work to put them in perspective I realize that although they are important and they do have to be resolved they are only as big as I allow them to be. I name them and recognize them and then work to resolve them and it takes some time to do so, some of these issues have been years in the making and they will not be resolved in a few days or months, or at least not to my satisfaction.  I am trying to learn how to live my life in a grateful and purpose filled way, not taking for granted the important things and trying to give back to those that have given to me.  Easier said than done but it's important to me to recognize those people and events that mean alot to me and have made me a better person, and I am finding that as I work my way into doing these things I am met with resentment from people in my life, I guess they are more of the selfish mindset than I am.  To me, if you look at the big picture that is your life it's important to recognize the bad with the good, both got you to where you are at this very moment and it's what you do in your next steps, and the next actions that you take that will help set your future path. In the grand scheme of things everything is connected good to bad, past to present and present to future and when something seems overwhelming try to remind yourself that whatever it is will only be a part of your life and that you have the power to overcome the bad and turn it into something good.  Our life is made up of many parts and it's up to us how we put those parts together and what we do with them.   Be yourself and allow the best of you to help others when, maybe, they aren't at their best and could use a little nudge to pick up the pieces and try again.